Rev. Warren Lynn is a good friend of mine from the “labyrinth world.” We sat together on the Veriditas Council and have attended and worked together at several workshops. I don’t know how he does it, but eloquent thoughts, prayers, essays just spill out of his mouth. It is a true gift of Spirit! I asked him to share an article he wrote about Sacred Balance of the Home-making (feminine) and Journey (masculine). I had never thought of the process like he proposes it before I read this article.
Warren wrote this as an introduction into his ideas….
“It is really about the balance of traditional masculine and feminine identity. For me, I think the balance between the two really comes in to play when we consider how we integrate the two; how we “make a home”(feminine) in each step, each breath, along the way (masculine). And, does the home we make facilitate appropriate hospitable care for others who are also on the path? For the sacred feminist, I think balance is the key, — or the place to which we all journey will simply end up being a wilderness of dry bones and death.” Click here for the article.
You can find the whole article, “Balancing journey & home-making” on his website, The Well Fed Spirit. He has hundreds of ideas and resources in his site that he graciously offers for free. I highly encourage a visit.
Warren Lynn is an ordained Disciples of Christ minister who has served pastorates in Illinois, Washington-state and Montana. Since 2002 he has been Director of the Office of Search and Call, and now Executive Minister for Christian Vocations, in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. Warren holds a certificate as an Advanced Labyrinth Facilitator through Veriditas in San Francisco. He has a passion for the spiritual formation of vocational ministers, and some of his other interests include Celtic spirituality, mindfulness practice, sea kayaking, gardening, gourmet cooking, and photography. He lives with his wife, Betsy, and fifteen year old son, Philip, in Indianapolis, IN.
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