The Sacred Feminine in action.
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If there was ever a day to be a Sacred Feminist (and that is not just for women) it is today. Today needs Wisdom and Love and Vision and Creativity. We are being shown the reality of our country in the US. We can’t Heal until we know the reality. I had the thought that perhaps we aren’t supposed to put our hopes of unity on ONE woman….or man. Perhaps we ALL need to plan how we will create peace...

I am a Sacred Feminist

I am committed to bringing balance to the Universe: Sacred Feminine + Sacred Masculine, Secular Feminine + Secular Masculine. I believe God transcends gender. I question the history and the future of the patriarchal church and society. I recognize the Sacred Feminine is part of ALL living creatures, as is the Sacred Masculine. I call for the evolution of the male species. I refuse to accept the injustices to women,...

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