I have to tell you that one of the greatest joys of this blog for me is to give voice to friends who haven’t caught the blogging bug yet but who have voices that need to be heard. My friend, Duncan Newcomer, really should have his own site. He has lots of important things to say. But until he creates his own, he is welcome to be a guest blogger on the Sacred Feminist. Thank you, Duncan, for your contribution. Enjoy!
Just as love and care for mother earth is necessary for our survival, so welcoming the increasing presence of the feminine in all aspects of life is crucial to our survival and well-being. It is happening.
The tipping point has tipped.
Do you think that the response to the sexual abuse crisis at Penn State would have happened without the rising voice of women?
I grew up in State College, where Penn State is centered. I saw that football was king when I was 9 in the 1950’s. Had I been one of those victims of the assistant coach I would have been buried alive.
Do you think the outrage over the shooting of children and women educators in Newtown, Connecticut, would have the traction it has were it not for the rising tide of the voice of the feminine? The NRA will not be able to beat the voice of decency and survival that will win the battle on gun control and care of the mentally ill.
There is a common denominator in the changes in our world, the changes that lead to life and health and well-being. The common factor is the rise of the mother’s voice, the daughter’s voice, the lover’s voice.
When the Taliban shot a young girl, when a young woman in India is gang raped, and these stories become dominate news stories, the world has changed. Do you not think that the Taliban thought this would not be a problem? Do you think that gang rape in India, and elsewhere, was ever going to be a national capital offense?
Do you see what this is? This is the rise of the feminine, the sacred feminine. It will save us all.
Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer
author of “Desperately Seeking Mary.” Available on Amazon. For more information click here
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