I am sitting in my daughter’s Boston studio apartment, awaiting the worst of hurricane Sandy. I’m not on my way to the airport to catch my flight home.
I need to get home in order to leave for a business trip on Wednesday. But I can’t. And there isn’t anything I can do about it except….surrender. My husband’s boss eloquently said, “Don’t fight it. It will be less stressful.”
Why is it so hard to surrender? When you have to do it you usually don’t have any choices anyway.
So, I am going to treasure this day (s?? ) I get to spend with my daughter, her boyfriend, my husband and youngest daughter. At the yummy lunch Sophie made for us (while we have electricity) we talked about Ann Frank, my husband’s relatives in the Ukraine who live in an apartment like Sophie’s ALL the time with five or more people. We counted our blessings. I guess this is a twist on the journey, home-making and Sacred Balance that Rev. Warren Lynn wrote about in Friday’s blog.
I had better end this blog before my perception of coziness becomes, well, something else.
And, by the way, does anyone see the humor in a “female” storm of power bearing down on the nation a week before our election? What’s that saying? Hell has no fury like a woman scorned? You betcha.
I love you!!! Be safe!