I am honored to introduce my guest blogger, Diana Piedra, a friend and wonderful yoga teacher. She embodies all aspects of the practice of yoga. She is as beautiful in spirit as she is in body. When she responded to my recent post, “Why is there a market for sexual slavery?”, I asked her if she could elaborate on her recent experience with yoga trainer Seane Corn. These two women are fabulous Sacred Feminists!
Hello Sacred Feminist supporters- what a sunshine filled and chilly day here in Chicago! I am Diana Piedra, a yoga teacher (celebrating my first decade of teaching this year!), an office manager, and a very proud mother of an 11 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.
Ellen’s most recent post on prostitution and sex trafficking was very relevant to me at this point in my life. I have been bombarded this month- hit in the head over and over- with the exploitation of women and girls in our world.
I recently did a training with master yoga teacher and activist Seane Corn. Seane has worked all over the world with her foundation Off the Mat into the World. This foundation is helping to educate, feed, rehabilitate, and most importantly love communities, families, women, and children in need in some of the most depressed and horrific conditions known to man.
Seane described a mission she went on with Ashley Judd and Youth Aids to a brothel in India- where it wasn’t unusual for a 9 year old girl to have 25-30 sexual partners in a day. The room where this child lived was furnished with only a dirty cot and the floor was littered and covered in feces, semen and urine. I knew the sex trade was big- huge even- third after drugs and firearms, but I didn’t realize how young these babies were. These are the faces of our children.
This affects me, this affects us, when things like this are happening in our world there is not a single human being who is unaffected. Kidnapping, rape and imprisonment are horrific violations to humanity as a whole. And as Ellen’s post pointed out there are child sex slaves in this country and the ramifications are far reaching and over many lifetimes.
It all became clear. The illusion of separateness is a facade to our collective vulnerability and fear. I feel blessed to be a healer of sorts and as I mature as a teacher my calling- my dharma- becomes more apparent. Lets continue this discussion.
How can we start a revolution inside ourselves? Face our fears and embrace our shadows so that we can safely hold space in this world for these victims? How can we use the platform we have been blessed with to help make our world better for the collective? How can we hold our elected officials responsible for not only our unemployment rate, but also for the safety of our children, and the prosecution of those who threaten their childhoods and ultimately their spirit and soul.